Private or public organizations are vulnerable to a variety of threats. Banks, Pharmacies, Grocery Stores, Shopping Malls, and Corporate offices have different objectives when it comes to security, but most organizations don’t know that it is their responsibility to take all means necessary to ensure safety for its staff and clients. In some cases, organizations can be held liable for not taking proper actions related to security. Proper security arrangements will not only increase the safety of your staff and clients, it will also create a better organizational flow allowing your staff to focus on their job descriptions.
Jericho assists Private or Public Organizations in:
Formulating Risk Assessment Reports
Developing a complete Emergency Manual
Conducting periodical Staff Training Sessions
Manage Emergency Drills (Fire, Lockdown, Shelter-in-Place)
Install Access Control Systems
Securing Large Events
Hiring Security Officers
Secure VIP's
Conducting periodical Security Officers Training Sessions
Formulating Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) for Security Staff
Including Scenario-based training to all staff and security personnel
Managing Security Projects
Involving Law Enforcement
Mapping Potential Safety Hazards
Mitigating Cyber attack threats